
Showing posts from 2010

Christmas Miracle!

Ok, so I am unemployed, living at home, and have bills, some of them are nasty. This last summer, I kept having pain in my stomachle area for a few terrible days. I decided to go to the Dr. Well they pushed and pocked and kept asking me if I've had sex and could possibly be pregnant. I didn't get my usual physician, if I had I may have not gone through all that I did and he would have never thought I would be pregnant. Dr. Swany (Swanson) and I are like this (I'm crossing my fingers). I had an x-ray an ultra sound, and then they poked and pushed some more. They found nothing and I went home that day with the instructions that I should take some aleve and pepto(pepto if needed). Ends up that I was just having a side effect too some medication I had began retaking. Well a few months had past and my medical bill rolled in. It rolled right in when I lost my job. I had to make calls fill out forms and such because my health insurance wasn't going to do anything about this o


There are a lot of firsts in our life that people make big deals out of. First step, first time saying mama or papa, first date, first dance, first kiss. I have recently had some new firsty's . I should just let you all guess just what they are, but I am a softy and occasional blabber mouth. I could even just blabber about nonsense and not tell you at all, except to some they aren't really big deals so I will tell. First of all my lips are still taint free as ever, unless I decide to go all crazy during the New Years if Bash (if i go) and just randomly smooch on a guy. That is really less likely to happen, so no worries please. Back my Firsts. A few weeks ago I went out with a few friends. We were going to go to the Sub meet up with some people and play some pool. Before pool a friend and I really wanted to check out a YSA activity. It sounded decent, they were going to have the BSU game projected off the side of the barn, have a fire pit , chili cook off , and of course a dan

Hi my name is Lauren and I have a problem...

Yes, yes. When do I not have a problem? Ha ha. Well this past month or so has been kind of a toughy being unemployed and all, but I think I'm figuring things out. That is not my problem. My problem is people who are overly concerned, when they like to cling to you at the hip. When they don't believe you the first time you say you're fine. Well it's partially my fault, you see sometimes I tend to open up to some I shouldn't, but the thing is I tend to open up to A LOT of different people for different reasons. It's like a bounding moment, which sometimes helps both sides, which I don't regret. Overly concerned people drive me crazy. In a way there over concern drives me away from them. They want to talk about my life, I don't. If I want to talk then I'll talk. I don't want to talk because the subjects are things I don't want dwelling in my mind, if that makes sense. I probably sound like a jerk right now, but then again I'm a little blun

Recreating Dreams

Have you ever had a really good dream and wish you could dream it over and over again? Or have you ever had a dream and just when it is about to get to the best part your alarm clock starts beeping? Well the second one is what happened to me last night or rather this morning at 5:45 am. I do not normally get up at 5:45 in the morning everyday; just Wednesdays. Wednesdays are Lauren's Temple day. At least it has been for the past 3 weeks, but enough said back to the dream. Dream: My clothes were getting destroyed one by one, I still didn't have a job and needed/wanted some new clothes. Lucky for me my Grandma was in town, and Grandma always has a few greens in her pocket. So a few days or week has past and I find myself back at BYU Idaho in the Benson building. I bumped into my old Professors and got back the job that I had before I graduated. I think a lab assistant has been my favorite job so far, but I still have a long life to live. Anyways I was labeling plants for a class

Risky Business

Dear Friends, so about a couple weeks ago I told you all that I had a new job and that I'd update you on it. Well I was a week into it and the job I thought I wanted wasn't for me. Last week my employer set me aside along with everyone else that day and asked me how I felt. I told them because "I must not tell lies," (harry potter oh yeah). I told them I liked the hours having the weekends off the experience but that the job wasn't for me. I am not a desk girl and well I should have already figured that out but I hadn't. Now I know, I took a risk, but now I know. Right now I am unemployed and yeah it scares me, sometimes I start to feel a little insecure, but I am blessed to be living at home and to have some money saved up. I am blessed to have the gospel and a Heavenly Father who watches over me. I know this is going to be a hard time. I had to unexpected bills pop up in the week so yeah it's going to be hard. I am going to get through this I am going to


Hello peops, so this week is my last week at Zurcher's (the partying wasn't so great). I gave my notice last Wednesday so just four more days left. I will be starting a new job on Monday at Intelligent Employment Agency; a temp agency. I actually applied at the temp agency for a new job but each time they called and had one for me I had to start like the following day or week. I am loyal employee which stinks cause I'm loyal even if they don't like me, anyways I needed to give them notice. The employment agency put me on their inactive list because I had a job, so it was just really crazy and unexpected that after a month not hearing from them that I get a call and a job offer. I took the job, not sure if I'm going to like it, but it is a little better pay and the hours are fantastic. I will have to update later on how the job is.

So it's been awhile...

Alrighty friends well, it has been a very interesting week for me. Tomorrow I have an interview at a Elementary School for a position as a Title 1 Assistant ( I want it real bad!). I'm nervous and emotional and well yikers ha ha. This job I think is so me, (at least I hope it is) a title 1 assistant assists students who are struggling with math, reading, or anything else. I was one of those children so it really hits me because I felt I could have gotten better help. I want to give what I didn't get, what i really needed. So yeah, I am crossing my fingers and praying like crazy:). Saturday I had a blind date. I know, I know I don't do blind dates. I hate them, the ones I've been on where never great I was usually a last minute filler. In fact my first date was a blind, and there wasn't a second... at least with that individual. So I had a friend who really wanted to set me up with this guy and I trust her so I said OK . Well my work schedule wasn't working out


OK Friends, so I know on my last Blog Taking the Leap I said I was going to quit in maybe 2 weeks on my job. Well there has been some current events that may postpone my plan. So yeah, I will keep you up to date.

Taking A Leap

Hello friends! It has been awhile since I have been in the Blogger life, but rest be assured for all you curious ones I am back, alive, and well. So last week I went to Lake Tahoe on a family reunion which was awesome and I'm sad that it was so short. While on my vacation I got a call about a job, which is great. Problem is they wanted me to start that week and I couldn't leave my previous job without giving them notice. I've been working with a temp agency and whenever they call I can't take the job so I was talking with my mother and she kind of told me I needed to maybe go on with Blind Faith. Friends I am such a chicken, I am at times so undeceive about things which means sometimes I never move forward, and I know I have talked a lot about moving forward. ‘The trouble with you is you want to see the end from the beginning.’ I replied that I would like to see at least a step or two ahead. Then came the lesson of a lifetime: ‘You must learn to walk to the edge o

To be BuOYant

Ha ha buoyant means your gay (in a happy way) and cheerful, and boy is in buoyant, so boys can make a girl buoyant and giddy (yes I said giddy). So before I start story time my dude friends may want to turn away from reading this post... I believe there are only a couple of you. You can read it if you want but if you don't like it, hey I did warn you. Ok story time. A couple weeks ago I went to my father's ward (he is the new 2 nd counselor of a BIU ward), well I was being the observant girl that I am and checking the market out. Ha ha yes yes I did it and was a little impressed, and one handsome feller caught my eye. Well a couple days after I was speaking to my Bro (who goes to that ward) and I was telling him about the handsome feller and he was wondering who it was, and also mentioned that there was someone there that he thought of setting me up with. Well with the works of facebook we found him and guess what.....he was my handsome feller ha ha. Ok so besides th

Making a Leap

Yes this post is a little earlier than usual but I've had a lot on my mind. This next week I am teaching a lesson and in that lesson we are bringing out the Pursuit of Excellence manual back into action. We have been trying hard to get the sister's in my ward to be more goal oriented and driven. We started off with the new year talking about goals we as sisters can do, such as going to the temple, doing a service project, helping out at the cannery, and doing our visiting teaching. My lesson will be like a check point to see how everyone is with there goals. The check point is really what I need because I haven't even written down my goals. They just kind of float around in my head. I can be so indecisive . I have ideas of goals in my head but I hate writing them down and getting disappointed when the year is over because I lot of times I don't know how to follow through with my ideas so I never write them down and they never happen. Sad I know. I've decided that

Another bit of Bittersweet

This week has been a good meh bittersweet week. My week was rolling as I worked my butt off for my 7.25 dollars an hour job (and yes my job hunt is never ending). I also had some great time getting together and hanging out with friends and family this week. Now that was my sweet part and Tuesday was when the bitter rolled on in. I got home around 6 from work and popped on the computer to check my emails and facebook and noticed that in the left upper corner of my facebook page I had a message. I clicked on the message and wish I hadn't because it wasn't a very friendly how's it going message. It was a hurtful message and part of it confused me because I was thinking about whether maybe other people viewed me in the same way that person was viewing me. Yes, I do sometimes analyze things a little much, but sometimes it's because I haven't experienced some of what people might call norms in their lives(those of you that know me inside and out may understand where


Hey friends! So here is the first chapter of some of my free lance writing. I tried to do paragraphs and I did space it all out but it messed up and I apologize. Fill free to comment, and honesty is the best policy.

The Great Mouse Hunt

So some of you may already know about the Great Mouse Hunt by my Facebook , but it is such a great story and I don't want any of you to miss it. Thursday my brother was driving on the Highway on his way home from school. He went to open his glove box (probably to pull out his paper work for a cop, ha ha) when out popped the head of a little tiny furry creature. A little brown mouse. Now I probably would have screamed and possibly caused an accident, but my Brother kept his cool and just slammed the the glove box closed and drove straight to a gas station (I think he went to a gas station) for a power vacuum to suck the poor creature up. Well to his surprise he found a whole nest in his glove box. Many of you might think that if there was a nest that the car wasn't very clean. My brother dates and he always makes sure his car is clean. That night he set up a trap in his car with a piece of fresh cheese. He came back the following morning to find the cheese gone and the trap

Well well...

Well it has been a while yes, yes it has. Not a ton has gone on since the last time I wrote. I am really trying to just get back in the good game of life and also on the job search again. I like my job, I do. I just can't live off of $7.25 an hour and well I would love to move out of the house (Wanna be Miss Independent, You rock Kelly Clarkson !). So things at work have been well interesting. I get along with my coworkers and all (how can you not working at a party store). I even have a nickname which is Mo. You may wonder why Mo, what's the story behind? Well one of my coworkers and I started talking and all and with some of their questions asked (and if you know know me then you probably have an idea of what questions they asked). So, back to Mo, my nickname is Mo because I am a Mormon . Yeah real creative, but I am not the only Mormon who works there, there are at least 2 others. I am the one and am honored to be the only one nickname of Mo. So well my coworker likes to par

All Gone

I finally had my endoscopic (nose job) surgery. Everything went fine thanks to the new machine. I came out with a couple bruises on my right arm (my poor little tiny veins, good battle wounds ha ha) and with a gauze covering my nose talk about a fashion statement. I was disappointed that I didn't get a jolly rancher sucker like last time, but I got some applesauce and saltine crackers (typical sick food). Right now I have a week off to chill the pain and druggies away as well as catching up on some movies, reading, and sleep. In a couple weeks or so I should be able to tell if the removal of the mount of snot in my head caused my headaches. I'm thinking it did and then I will be healed!

Party Balloons Galore!

This week has been crazy busy and prosperous in a way. I had two interviews this week, one on Monday and another on Tuesday. Monday was at Zurcher's, I applied there a month ago when they were hiring and they just happened to keep my application. I applied there mainly because it was closed on Sunday. I don't mind working retail because I need to be around people which my other job did not provide (and talking to myself gets boring, surprising yes, but true). I aced the interview but I was alright not getting the job, because it's the opportunities that count. Tuesday I had another interview at this new craft store called Hobby Lobby, again they are closed on Sunday. I walked into that store and was totally amazed by all the stuff they had (i am an artsy craft girl). If I had gotten the job I think it would have been a disaster to my paycheck because I would be buying things like crazy. I went in for my interview and they gave me a math test and 20 minutes to work on it a


It has been a month sense my last surgery date. A month when I went in thinking all the pain would be gone and my freedom from snottville and the mucous invasion would be over. I still remember waking up thinking I was free, free at last and the not to mention groggy when the nurse told me "hey honey, bad news we weren't able to do the procedure...the machine broke." Oh the disappointment , not to mention the only thing I go out of it was a free can of apple juice, a cherry jolly rancher sucker, and no voice. It was like one of the greatest days ever, and on top of that I was heavily mediated ah, beautiful. Well, it has been a month and will be another month, but they bought a new machine (finally!) and a new appointment has been made. March 26, yeah wowzer another whole month to wait. I kind of thought that maybe it would have been a birthday gift, maybe March 3, it would be a good start off to the big 2 5 and my quarter life crises would be at a crazy start. It is up

A Week of February

This week hasn't been the most exciting or depressing, more a mid range typical average week. h first off all I paid off my credit card so my computer is now officially all mine! YES! Now I just got to make car payments to my folks. Sunday was Valentines Day, my most favorite (commercial) holiday of the year. It is full of my favorite colors pink and red with all the mushy gushy stuff and the tasty yucky sweetheart candy. No it's not my favorite holiday. Some may think being a florist for a few years I should love it because of the money, but really it just made it more commercial for me (they didn't have to fill out all those VD cards). Monday I finally got to see Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and was greatly disappointed. I love the books and I love Greek Mythology. It had been a while sense I had read the book but it still didn't feel right to me. Good movie just not like the book which is pretty normal. Oh also funny Story. I went to get my Emissions te

14 Beautiful Years, almost 15...

This week my puppy (family dog) Coreybelle is going to be put down. We got her when I was ten, and we use to take her off her leash and play a game with a mixture of tackle football and chase. Every once in awhile when we throw her a ball she'll catch it and run away waiting for us to chase after her (I don't think my dad was ever happy with the game, he liked to take her hunting). Now as she has grown older she patrols around the yard (in the snow it looks like an alien invasion). In the summer she is a great companion and runs away from me when it's bath time. She has been a great companion and family member and although I would love her to die a natural death, it is time for us to end her suffering.

Just Another Awesome yet not so Awesome Crazy Week

So this week started out pretty good because I was super excited for some things that were finally going to get resolved. I was like ants in the pants excited, people asked if I was nervous and I was maybe a little nervous but really just excited for it to finally be happening and over with. Ok then, here has been my week so far. Sunday I went to some church meetings, then I went to church, then I had dinner with my family including my grandparents. I missed out on Masterpiece Theater but had a nice little chat with my father and ended up watching it online later. Monday I went to work watched Heroes , then looked into going to Comic Con cause I'm a dreamer. I also had the chance to catch up on my Masterpiece theater showing of Emma that I had missed on Sunday, which was really good (can't wait to finish it this Sunday). I then decided to go to FHE which I was kinda thinking of skipping out on because it was ballroom dancing and I don't like to dance. I feel awkward doin

My January

January 3rd was Fast Sunday, and usually that week before I'm thinking over what I should fast for. This year I have been fasting for the same couple of things over and over again and having little success, obviously not the right timing. For those who know me really well you know that I have been dealing with severe headaches that only occur on one side of my head (yeah crazy). Don't know what causes them, they aren't like migraines. Anyways I have just been really tired with going to the Dr's, tired of the pain, and tired of no answers. I've also been dealing with this for a long time I just now have had the time to go see someone about it and it's been a years process. So I decided that I wanted to be pain free, wanted to be healed, so I prayed and fasted and asked my Heavenly Father if this month we could get this resolved. It's been a crazy Month. I've had so many Dr's appointments but I really think it's been figured out and by next week w

My Week

Sunday I met someone, I know can you believe it? So this someone has dark brown hair, blue eyes, close to my height, and has a linear figure. No I'm not looking in a mirror, but this someone is also female and has friend potential, which is great because well I don't have a lot of those around here. So yeah even if she is only staying for 4 months that's still a friend for 4 months. Monday I did my usual good girl thing and participated in FHE . I played a couple games of kickball because that's all I got, lazy bums. Then I chatted became the social butterfly that I am (over exaggerating? OK). As I went to depart one of my dude friends blocked my line of traffic with his rear, and well I took my available right hand and slapped it. Totally caught him by surprise along with myself and when I got home I gave my hand I good washing. Tuesday wasn't that exciting I purchased myself I new song off of Itunes by Muse and listened to it all night (hopefully I don't ge

Tip of the Day

How to Cure hiccups. It's true there is a cure. You no longer need to hold you breath, drink water upside down, or sticking your tongue out. All you gotta do is eat a big spoon full of creamy peanut butter. Crazy yes, it worked for my brother, took forever to work for me. Problem with me is well the big scoop just made me gag and I couldn't do it, but I took it in portions got the goey stuff in my mouth and wahlah my hiccups were gone. Just a friendly little tip for you all hope you like peanut butter.

The Wonderwash

This last week our washer broke, not cool. With work it's kind of hard to go to the laundry mat because work is in the middle of nowhere and when I get home and ready to go it's dark. I just don't think it's smart for a girl to go do laundry alone in the dark. I think of one of those creepy meth commercials filmed at a laundry mat. Ok that's an excuse I just don't want to wait around because I do that all day at work anways and I get paid for doing it. So, anyways I had a load of laundry that needed to be filled because I was running out of something if you catch what I'm talking about and I didn't want to go all commando. For Christmas my Mother got a Wonderwash basically it's a handwasher, you put your little load in with your soap and water and you crank it. Anyway's it saved me $1.25! Wahoo! I know right? I will so be putting it on my wedding registry if I every have one.

Hello and Welcome

Alright, I finally did it. After two years of having an account I set up my blog. What is the world coming to? Go Lauren that's all I'm gonna say...I got sucked in.