
Showing posts from March, 2010

All Gone

I finally had my endoscopic (nose job) surgery. Everything went fine thanks to the new machine. I came out with a couple bruises on my right arm (my poor little tiny veins, good battle wounds ha ha) and with a gauze covering my nose talk about a fashion statement. I was disappointed that I didn't get a jolly rancher sucker like last time, but I got some applesauce and saltine crackers (typical sick food). Right now I have a week off to chill the pain and druggies away as well as catching up on some movies, reading, and sleep. In a couple weeks or so I should be able to tell if the removal of the mount of snot in my head caused my headaches. I'm thinking it did and then I will be healed!

Party Balloons Galore!

This week has been crazy busy and prosperous in a way. I had two interviews this week, one on Monday and another on Tuesday. Monday was at Zurcher's, I applied there a month ago when they were hiring and they just happened to keep my application. I applied there mainly because it was closed on Sunday. I don't mind working retail because I need to be around people which my other job did not provide (and talking to myself gets boring, surprising yes, but true). I aced the interview but I was alright not getting the job, because it's the opportunities that count. Tuesday I had another interview at this new craft store called Hobby Lobby, again they are closed on Sunday. I walked into that store and was totally amazed by all the stuff they had (i am an artsy craft girl). If I had gotten the job I think it would have been a disaster to my paycheck because I would be buying things like crazy. I went in for my interview and they gave me a math test and 20 minutes to work on it a