
Showing posts from 2012

Health Insurance...Oh how they Care :)

Sorry, oh so sorry for my lack of writing. I've been busy, and well sometimes I have writers block. Most of it has been writers block. I just sometimes can't think of anything to write. I could just ramble on and on about nothing.....that may just happen today. However, nothing usually becomes something, and while writing about nothing I have come up with something.  I received a phone call while beginning to write. It was from my insurance company checking up on me and my health. Isn't that sweet of them? They wanted to check up on how I was doing with my asthma. Yes, friends. I have asthma. It's exercised induced. So, before I do some heavy duty cardio I pull out my little puffer and puff away.  I spoke with Jared. He was a very informative representative. He made sure I visited my doctor regularly, and that I wasn't refilling my puffer to often. Again how sweet, he wanted to make sure I wasn't ODing on my puffer! Over all it was a great experience. I'


        Definitions of a Dream : A series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep, an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a dream ( a visionary creation of the imagination, a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality, an object seen in a dreamlike state ), something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality ( a strongly desired goal or purpose, something that fully satisfies a wish). Thank you Merriam Webster. It sounds well, kinda Dreamy doesn't it?           I am a great lover and hater when it comes to dreams . I love letting my imagination go a little wild. I love to explore and create. I love taking characters from books and movies and either continuing their story or giving them an ending that will satisfy my taste. I love listening to instrumental music when I do this. Hans Zimmer is one of my favorite composers to listen to.         I also love to dream about my goals and things that I want to, or w

Captain America vs. Spider-Man

 Captain America versus Spider-Man ; battle for my heart. I was always a Spider-Man girl. I still  am a Spider-Man girl, but then I met Captain America and well now my heart is oh so confused! So I thought maybe if I took the time to write it out that maybe my true feelings would unfold. Let's start with Captain America , AKA Steve Rogers. First off the name Steve Rogers is well, kind of hot. I mean that guy has beautiful hair. Kind of hot and kind of bold. Captain America is bold. He knows who is and stands up for what he believes. He is an all American perfect guy, and a born leader. A gentlemen who respects the laws, rules, and probably his woman. He is strong and the only weapon he ever really needs is his shield that is made out of vibranium- adimantium, a really fancy rare material. He was also the first Super Hero, at least in the Marvell world of comics. Correct me if I am mistakenly wrong. The next runner up is Spider-Man , who we know as Peter Parker. Peter Parker

Randomosity...or is it?

            Hmmmm..... You ready for it? Are you really ready for this random blog? Knowing me it will start off random and then in the end I will have come up with something. Something amazing! Hence the sarcasm :) First I will start up with an overview of my week.             Sunday, church. It was lovely, very. Monday work and home evening. Works been a little crazy. I loved my job when I first started, but well now I have my days. I want more out of life and work. I am blessed with all of these gifts and talents and I just want to take the time and make them into something more. Today I was pondering over how much of a right brained individual I am.           When I was younger I thought it was cool, but I always struggled in school with my homework, my tests, and quizzes. Apart of me really wanted to be a lefty, I thought maybe i would do much better in school if I was a lefty. However, I am definitely for sure a righty (I just took a test online). Being a righty explains a lo

I'm Done, but I'm Good

Do you ever write something down and regret it later? Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite, but then again life is always changing. So then I guess it's alright for my opinion or feelings to change. Right now I am feeling pretty content with myself. I'm done. No I'm not done with life, and this is no suicidal note friends. Come on it's me? I'm done playing the infamous game. What infamous game? The ridiculous girl guy game. The game of Love. No friends, I'm not crying at my keyboard. I'm not feeling hopeless like it's never going to happen. I'm just pulling myself out of it. I need a break. I'm tired of getting mixed signals and reading into things that aren't there, and right now there really isn't anyone making me want to pull myself in. I do however have a confession. Those who know me know I would never do this, and before I tell you I think it best for you all to know I'm not desperate. I'm not. I'm curious. So do you want