
Showing posts from December, 2010

Christmas Miracle!

Ok, so I am unemployed, living at home, and have bills, some of them are nasty. This last summer, I kept having pain in my stomachle area for a few terrible days. I decided to go to the Dr. Well they pushed and pocked and kept asking me if I've had sex and could possibly be pregnant. I didn't get my usual physician, if I had I may have not gone through all that I did and he would have never thought I would be pregnant. Dr. Swany (Swanson) and I are like this (I'm crossing my fingers). I had an x-ray an ultra sound, and then they poked and pushed some more. They found nothing and I went home that day with the instructions that I should take some aleve and pepto(pepto if needed). Ends up that I was just having a side effect too some medication I had began retaking. Well a few months had past and my medical bill rolled in. It rolled right in when I lost my job. I had to make calls fill out forms and such because my health insurance wasn't going to do anything about this o


There are a lot of firsts in our life that people make big deals out of. First step, first time saying mama or papa, first date, first dance, first kiss. I have recently had some new firsty's . I should just let you all guess just what they are, but I am a softy and occasional blabber mouth. I could even just blabber about nonsense and not tell you at all, except to some they aren't really big deals so I will tell. First of all my lips are still taint free as ever, unless I decide to go all crazy during the New Years if Bash (if i go) and just randomly smooch on a guy. That is really less likely to happen, so no worries please. Back my Firsts. A few weeks ago I went out with a few friends. We were going to go to the Sub meet up with some people and play some pool. Before pool a friend and I really wanted to check out a YSA activity. It sounded decent, they were going to have the BSU game projected off the side of the barn, have a fire pit , chili cook off , and of course a dan