
Showing posts from May, 2014

A Dream is a Wish.....

"A Dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep." This quote is from one of my favorite childhood movies Cinderella. She's the princess I would want to be. However, if a Dream was a wish that my heart made, well then my heart has got some serious problems. I like to interpret my dreams. They fascinate me and annoy me. I've finally downloaded an app to help me interpret my dreams. They all mean the same thing, but I'm still intrigued. Anyways, they fascinate me so much that I  realized this isn't the first time I have blogged about dreams. Oh, by the way Happy 2014! This is my first blog of the year. Sorry folks, I've been busy. Okay, enough of that, back to the main topic. Dreams. So, last night I had a dream about Hans Zimmer. I love him, well his music. In my dream he gave me some old albums of music he had composed. I had never heard of them, but took them anyways. Then Dr. Seuss was randomly in my dream. All of a sudden Hans Zimme