
Showing posts from December, 2014

Experience Versus Transaction

One day, a couple months ago I had to attend a work meeting. Right now I work in retail. I brought paper and a pen to take notes, but I mainly use them to doddle. That day I sat holding my paper and pen, dropping my paper and pen and switching my position a lot. However, I actually paid attention. The speaker shared a story and the story has stuck with me. His story was about when he went to a store and had a problem with an item. He took his dysfunctional item to customer service. They returned to him his money, but he later found out they didn't fix the problem with the item. This left him feeling perplexed, they obviously didn't care. More like a transaction.It's like they only met the problem half way. They gave the man his money back, but they didn't fix the problem for the future customers.  He used this story to help us understand an experience from a transaction. Working in retail you sometimes get more carried away with the sales, numbers, and fixing things