
Showing posts from June, 2014


Two posts in a week! That's pretty much a record especially since I have been away from this bloggy world for so long. I guess I've had a lot on my mind these past days, weeks, and months. I've had a lot roaming in my mind and there has been a lot that I have wanted to do, but I haven't moved forward. I've had my reasons, but I will admit that they are excuses. A lot of it has been affected by fear. I keep telling myself it's because I am waiting. Waiting for what? Well, I've been waiting for the perfect opportunities, and well there is no perfect opportunity. I've been waiting on people, but I can't let waiting on them hold me back. These last couple of weeks I have found clarity. I have taken time away from my normal routine. I've given myself some solitary time to ponder and study. I've spoken to a close friend or two that I trust. I discovered that I need to let things go. I need to sacrifice some of the things that I am waiting for

A Pet Peeve

We all have pet peeves. Well, most of us have some sort of irritation or annoyance.  Some are major and other minor. If you are pet peeve free congratulations! Seriously, I'm working on mine.I have a secret pet peeve that will no longer be secret. I try to ignore it. Some days I am cool and just let it go, but then other days it really bothers me. This week it has really bothered me. It's an easy fix too, and I really don't think people realize what they're doing and I should correct them on the spot, but I don't and that's my fault. Some of you that know me well enough may have already guessed what it is? Mostly everyone pronounces my name incorrectly. My name is Lauren, spelled as you can see with AU not O like Loren. There are some girls named Lauren that pronounce there name Loren. That is not my case. It drives me crazy and I laugh inside and mentally shake my head when I introduce myself as Lauren and they automatically call me Loren. That is when I