Hi my name is Lauren and I have a problem...

Yes, yes. When do I not have a problem? Ha ha. Well this past month or so has been kind of a toughy being unemployed and all, but I think I'm figuring things out. That is not my problem. My problem is people who are overly concerned, when they like to cling to you at the hip. When they don't believe you the first time you say you're fine.

Well it's partially my fault, you see sometimes I tend to open up to some I shouldn't, but the thing is I tend to open up to A LOT of different people for different reasons. It's like a bounding moment, which sometimes helps both sides, which I don't regret. Overly concerned people drive me crazy.

In a way there over concern drives me away from them. They want to talk about my life, I don't. If I want to talk then I'll talk. I don't want to talk because the subjects are things I don't want dwelling in my mind, if that makes sense. I probably sound like a jerk right now, but then again I'm a little blunt. For all of you concerned friends, Lauren is fine. Yes, it's been tough but I know I can get through this. I'm not a quitter. If you don't beleive me then hook me up to a lie detector test. "I must not tell lies." -Harry Potter (and I'm a dang believer to that line).

Peace out Friends- Thanks for Caring


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