
A Sacrifice

It has been six years since my last blog. However, I have had a lot on my mind and will be slowly returning to the blog world. This may also be a chance for friends and others to get to see me in a different light. Today my blog will have some religious insight. I do not mean to hurt or offend anyone, my intent is to share and I hope to possibly give others something to consider, to ponder, and to think about. What is a sacrifice? Interestingly enough when you google sacrifice the definition is to slaughter an animal or person, or giving up a possession as an offering to God or other supreme being. Now, I am going to relate this to life today during COVID-19. Please, don't tune me out, please don't delete the screen. I ask that you continue to read on and hear me out, because this has been on my mind and pieces have been coming together. Over a week ago we had Easter. There is something about Easter and spring that I love. Colors are coming back outside, the sun is out more,...

Experience Versus Transaction

One day, a couple months ago I had to attend a work meeting. Right now I work in retail. I brought paper and a pen to take notes, but I mainly use them to doddle. That day I sat holding my paper and pen, dropping my paper and pen and switching my position a lot. However, I actually paid attention. The speaker shared a story and the story has stuck with me. His story was about when he went to a store and had a problem with an item. He took his dysfunctional item to customer service. They returned to him his money, but he later found out they didn't fix the problem with the item. This left him feeling perplexed, they obviously didn't care. More like a transaction.It's like they only met the problem half way. They gave the man his money back, but they didn't fix the problem for the future customers.  He used this story to help us understand an experience from a transaction. Working in retail you sometimes get more carried away with the sales, numbers, and fixing things...

Family First

        First of all I should be studying right now, but this has been on my mind all week and I need to write it down. Get it out.  So yeah, Family. I would do anything for a member of my family. I am loyal to the core and they would do the same for me, because that is family. Family should come first above all and I think sometimes we take advantage of that idea and we forget and get carried away in our own lives. A lot of times we go to friends for aid before family. In some situations one has too. Some of us don't have a supportive family or a family at all. If you aren't in that situation, then always go to family.        Positives to family. You can get in an argument and then ten minutes it's like it never happened. I've argued with my parents and siblings a lot. They've hurt my feelings too, but I would never trade them in. I can rely on my family. Family will return your calls, at least mine do. They will no...


       I think this is going to be a short post. I'm not confessing that. No guarantees. Many of you may be surprised by my confession, because many of you have heard me speak of it in a slightly distasteful way. I've thought of it, but then I've leaned away from it. It's been on my mind, which is why I am confessing.  Some of you know what it is.       My brain wrestles with the idea. Sometimes I think it's that extra brain matter roaming in my nasal passages (story for another day). It goes back and forth on an idea and then it just thinks too and I mean too much. I'm kind of going off topic now. So, back to my confession. I secretly have an interest in sales. I work at a furniture store and have told myself I would never ever do sales. However, a part of me wants to try it out.       So, I chatted with a coworker at lunch today. They brought the idea to me. It's like I wanted someone to bring it up...


Two posts in a week! That's pretty much a record especially since I have been away from this bloggy world for so long. I guess I've had a lot on my mind these past days, weeks, and months. I've had a lot roaming in my mind and there has been a lot that I have wanted to do, but I haven't moved forward. I've had my reasons, but I will admit that they are excuses. A lot of it has been affected by fear. I keep telling myself it's because I am waiting. Waiting for what? Well, I've been waiting for the perfect opportunities, and well there is no perfect opportunity. I've been waiting on people, but I can't let waiting on them hold me back. These last couple of weeks I have found clarity. I have taken time away from my normal routine. I've given myself some solitary time to ponder and study. I've spoken to a close friend or two that I trust. I discovered that I need to let things go. I need to sacrifice some of the things that I am waiting for ...

A Pet Peeve

We all have pet peeves. Well, most of us have some sort of irritation or annoyance.  Some are major and other minor. If you are pet peeve free congratulations! Seriously, I'm working on mine.I have a secret pet peeve that will no longer be secret. I try to ignore it. Some days I am cool and just let it go, but then other days it really bothers me. This week it has really bothered me. It's an easy fix too, and I really don't think people realize what they're doing and I should correct them on the spot, but I don't and that's my fault. Some of you that know me well enough may have already guessed what it is? Mostly everyone pronounces my name incorrectly. My name is Lauren, spelled as you can see with AU not O like Loren. There are some girls named Lauren that pronounce there name Loren. That is not my case. It drives me crazy and I laugh inside and mentally shake my head when I introduce myself as Lauren and they automatically call me Loren. That is when I ...

A Dream is a Wish.....

"A Dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep." This quote is from one of my favorite childhood movies Cinderella. She's the princess I would want to be. However, if a Dream was a wish that my heart made, well then my heart has got some serious problems. I like to interpret my dreams. They fascinate me and annoy me. I've finally downloaded an app to help me interpret my dreams. They all mean the same thing, but I'm still intrigued. Anyways, they fascinate me so much that I  realized this isn't the first time I have blogged about dreams. Oh, by the way Happy 2014! This is my first blog of the year. Sorry folks, I've been busy. Okay, enough of that, back to the main topic. Dreams. So, last night I had a dream about Hans Zimmer. I love him, well his music. In my dream he gave me some old albums of music he had composed. I had never heard of them, but took them anyways. Then Dr. Seuss was randomly in my dream. All of a sudden Hans Zimme...